Hello! We are Whitsunday Luxury Sailing

From mid-June to mid-September, giant humpback whales are regularly sighted in the shallow, calm bays of the Whitsunday Islands where they mate and breed at the conclusion of their annual migration from Antarctica. Living aboard Sydney Sundancer, you will not only be in THE best position to witness this miracle of nature, but you will also be able to hear their haunting songs via our underwater hydrophone as they communicate with each other!

You will be able to watch the interaction between mothers and their newly born calves and marvel as these giants leap out of the water in sheer joy and sometimes curiosity (especially the calves who we have witnessed jump again and again).

If time is short, you can join one of our ½ day cruises and harness the wind for propulsion, just like Captain Cook when he discovered the Whitsundays in 1770.

Whitsunday Luxury Sailing
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